Clinical Psychology Masters Programs
Clinical psychology covers the mental, biological, and social well being and emotions of a person. It is the science which involves the combination of theory, practice and science in understanding and treating the psychological distress and personal or social dysfunctions an individual is facing.
If you want to become a clinical psychologist, you will need to earn a clinical psychology master’s degree from an accredited program. There are many schools that offer master’s degrees in clinical psychology, you will just need to pick the one that is the best choice for you.
Take the GRE
Before you can enroll in a clinical psychology masters program, most universities require that you take the GRE test. There are many study guides and online courses that will prepare you to pass the test and enroll in an appropriate university for you.
Benefits of a Clinical Psychology Degree
There are many benefits to having a clinical psychology degree. One of the biggest benefits is that you can work in a clinical setting and practice psychology. Many high school students love their high school psychology classes and then dream of studying psychology. Unfortunately for them, when they earn a bachelor’s degree in psychology they are very quick to discover that there is very little they can do in the career world with that degree. But, it changes once you earn a master’s degree, especially in clinical psychology.
Where You Can Work
With a master’s in clinical psychology, you are trained and prepared to work in a clinical setting. This means you can work in a hospital, doctor’s office, or in your very own private practice. You are trained to observe and evaluate behavior. After enough time, you can make an educated diagnosis using the DSM-IV, which is full of common psychological problems. You can then use your knowledge to create a treatment plan for your clients. In order to practice in many states, you must pass a licensing test.
Hospital Setting
You can also work in hospital setting as a clinical psychologist. Working in a large hospital can be very rewarding for clinical psychologists because they can help people deal with their medical problems. They also work with families who are adjusting to losing a loved one or having to take care of a loved one who was once mobile and active.
Help People
Working anywhere in a clinical psychology field is highly rewarding because you are able to help people fit in with society and get their lives back. As a clinical psychologist, you will work with many people who are suffering from common disorders like depression, especially women who are suffering from post-partum depression. You may not see them for very long, but your help will change their lives.
More Benefits
There are a few benefits of working as a clinical psychologist. One is that most clinical psychologists live very financially comfortable lives. Because they work in medically related environments, their salaries are comfortable. Another benefit is that if you are in your own practice, you can set your own hours. Since many patients come to see their psychologists after work, you can adjust your hours of service to meet their needs. Another big benefit is that patients like their psychologists. Patients share many secrets and problems with their therapists, who then help them work through their problems to readjust to life.
List of Schools (Traditional and Online)
There are many different schools that will prepare students to become clinical psychologists with master’s degrees. Some of them are online and many are traditional universities. Some of the favorites include:
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Illinois-Urbana
- Rutgers University
- Concordia University
- University of Wisconsin at Madison
- Marquette University
- Temple University
- Northwestern University
- Miami University
- Duke University
- University of California at Los Angeles
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of California at Berkeley
- University of Missouri at St. Louis
- University of Houston at University Park
- Michigan State University
- University of Nevada at Reno
If you want more job opportunities to come your way, it is not enough to have Bachelors in Psychology. It is a field where having an advanced degree is very important, especially if you love to work with people, counseling them. The clinical psychology Master’s programs allow you to obtain your Doctorate degree in the future.